What we do
In undertaking DUKA’s Objectives, DUKA can exercise a number of powers, such as:
- The employment of persons to supervise, organise and carry out DUKA’s the work.
- The establishment of local branches, whether autonomous or not.
- Arrange conferences of representatives of voluntary organisations, Government departments, statutory authorities and individuals.
- Carry out or promote the undertaking of research, surveys and investigations and publication of the results.
- Arrange and participate in arranging and holding of exhibitions, meetings, lectures, classes, seminars and training courses.
- Collect and disseminate information on all matters relevant to the Objects and exchange such information with bodies having similar objects or interests.
- Assist in the provision of medical care and facilities for the under privileged and destitute
- Provide homes to cater for long or short stay periods of convalescence, recuperative holiday and day care for the infirm and elderly.
- Initiate, promote and arrange educational exchange visits among students and others, meetings, courses, conferences and other educational functions and to provide educational equipment and supplies.
- Undertake, execute, manage or assist any charitable trusts
- Arrange for the writing, production and circulation of books, periodicals, papers, films or audio-visual materials.
- Purchase, on lease, hire or acquire and manage any property or buildings
- Sell, let, mortgage, dispose of property or assets of the Association.
- To borrow or raise money for the objects, raise funds and accept contributions by way of subscriptions, covenant or gift aid and otherwise
- Invest money not immediately required.